I Quit Smoking When I Was 10

Cliff Lapp
2 min read5 days ago



A LOT of people smoked back then. My grandmother was no exception. Turns out, she smoked about 3 packs a day when she was younger. She died about 10 or more years early, compared to the rest of the family.

She had cigarettes scattered all over the place, at her house, at our house, and up at The Cabin. I saw her smoking a good number of times.

Me and another kid were at the playground. I saw a large cigarette bud on the ground. I told the kid we should try smoking it, so we did. We were cool, and acting older.

It was easy to smoke, as I had ready access to the cigarettes everywhere. My grandmother never suspected I was stealing her smokes.

One day, I was up in the loft, of The Cabin, smoking. I realized it was stupid. I didn’t like the flavor, I didn’t like breathing in the smoke, and I didn’t want to pay thousands of dollars to buy cigarettes when I got older. I also realized that I was just smoking to be cool, and be like an adult.

I never smoked again. I was 10 years old.

ALL my relatives stopped smoking, eventually. Most took MANY attempts to stop smoking. ALL of them messed up their bodies, and had mental/emotional issues in stopping.

For me, it was easy. I’m glad I quit when I did.

Use your Free Will to LOVE!…it will help more than you know



Cliff Lapp

1962. Not a boomer. Earth Citizen. God Loves YOU, and Namaste…