Graham PembertonThe Wisdom and Knowledge of the AncientsSteve Ruis has challenged me to justify a statement that I made in a recent article, “I think that the ancient sages had far more knowledge…Oct 31, 20226Oct 31, 20226
Stephen GeistAnomalies, Ancient Continents, and Prehistoric CivilizationsAnomaliesJun 16, 2022Jun 16, 2022
Mark HammonsThe Path to Atlantis: A First StepIf you haven’t found the lost civilization that preceded our own, you will. A vanished world is inevitably there to discover!Nov 12, 20225Nov 12, 20225
InPoint of ContactbyMark HammonsAttack of the ArchaeologistsA professional society of academics whines publicly they feel demeaned by Graham Hancock. Does that validate his ideas?Dec 8, 202215Dec 8, 202215
InPoint of ContactbyMark HammonsThe Greatest Buried Mystery on EarthIf you want to find proof of a lost civilization from deep time, there is a very good place to dig. But who wants to stop you?Dec 12, 20223Dec 12, 20223